Conference Issue Publication
A conference issue includes the full-length articles that were exhibited in an academic meeting or workshop.
Eduresearchpublication publishes conference issues in journals for plagiarism-free articles that undergo a rigorous
peer-review process. Proposals for conference issues are welcome from conference organizers.
Submit Proposal
Basic Requirements to Publish Conference Issue with Us
- The conference should be organized by an established learned society.
- All contents should be in the English language.
- All articles should be original and plagiarism-free; the similarity index shall be less than 15%.
- Articles shall be selected based on the merit of work through a rigorous peer-review process by the
publication committee of the conference.
- Conference materials (website/leaflet) should not display any misleading information, and all
organizers should be clearly indicated with a link to the conference announcement on the organizing
institution’s official website.
- A publishing fee of $50 (or ₹3500) per article will be applicable in all our
- If we agree to publish, pay the minimum advance amount and indicate Eduresearchpublication publisher (or
journal name) as the conference issue publishing partner on all conference materials
(website/leaflet/brochure/banner) by using the name/logo linked with the homepage.
Conference Issue Publication Procedure
- Submit a proposal for the conference issue by clicking
here. The journal selection should be
based on the aims & scope and its relevance to the conference theme.
- If we agree to publish, pay an initial minimum non-refundable amount of $500 (or
₹35000), which will cover 10 articles. The remaining articles will be charged at
$50 (₹3500) per article.
- Send the updated CV of the appointed Guest Editor(s) for final approval. The guest editor should not
be associated with the editorial board of any questionable publication; we will verify.
- The guest editor will be responsible for handling manuscripts, managing reviews, and all
communication related to the conference issue and articles in this issue.
- On behalf of the organizing committee, the guest editor(s) must write an editorial article for this
conference issue. The editorial article normally includes a summary and perspective of the
conference held, with a brief statement for publishing the conference issue.
- Conference organizers and editors are free to select their reviewers, but all reviewers must be
suitably qualified experts in the field. All reviews must be conducted according to the standard
norms and expectations of an ethical review process.
- Details of reviewers (Name, affiliation, email ID) and reviewing comments (if any) should be sent to
us with each article.
- The guest editor should send all the formatted articles in an editable Word file at once as per
instructions. We will require at least 12 weeks for copyediting after receiving all the contents of
the conference issue.
- We require references to be formatted strictly as per the author guidelines of the corresponding
- We do not require any copyright transfer. All articles will be published with open access under CC BY-NC 4.0 end-user
license, and the author will be the full copyright holder (unless specified/transferred to the
institution) by granting Eduresearchpublication as the first publisher. Kindly click here for
copyright info and
click here for end-user licensing
- Eduresearchpublication reserves all rights to refuse the inclusion of any article if it does not meet the
standard or violates our publication policy.